Because the JavaScript sample was so heavily (78 out of 80) dominated by Node packages, wehave performed the same analysis again, this time excluding the Node files. This uncovered jQueryin its various versions and parts accounting for more than half of the sample (43), followed froma distance by other popular frameworks such as Twitter Bootstrap (12), Angular (7), reveal (4).Language tools such as modernizr, prettify, HTML5Shiv and others were present. We attribute thisgreater diversity to the fact that to keep connections small, many libraries are distributed as asingle file. It is also a testament to the popularity of jQuery which still managed to occupy half ofthe list.
Because the JavaScript sample was so heavily (78 out of 80) dominated by Node packages, wehave performed the same analysis again, this time excluding the Node files. This uncovered jQueryin its various versions and parts accounting for more than half of the sample (43), followed froma distance by other popular frameworks such as Twitter Bootstrap (12), Angular (7), reveal (4).Language tools such as modernizr, prettify, HTML5Shiv and others were present. We attribute thisgreater diversity to the fact that to keep connections small, many libraries are distributed as asingle file. It is also a testament to the popularity of jQuery which still managed to occupy half ofthe list.