My compilers course was the single most difficult college course I've ever taken (it was an undergrad/graduate cross-listed course usually taken senior year, and at least at my school, UCCS in Colorado, was the cause of many a CS student not graduating on time -- putting a weed-out course that close to the end of the BSCS program wasn't cool, man).
More all-nighters during that class than any other. It occurs to me, I've spoken to several Junior devs over the last few years with CS degrees that never had to take a compilers course. That just isn't right.
It was optional in my degree, and I concur it was the single most difficult course I took. At least twice as much work as any other course, learned twice as much too.
More all-nighters during that class than any other. It occurs to me, I've spoken to several Junior devs over the last few years with CS degrees that never had to take a compilers course. That just isn't right.