This plays more like an instructional video than a demo. You spend almost the entire time filling out forms. Consider doing a 30 - 60 sec explainer video that just shows off the sizzle if you really want to have a video.
I would also loose Bighetti. You're pitch is 'be more professional' and the first thing you see in the video is a character who's famous for being a lazy idiot.
That's a much better video - gets the point across quickly, and looks professional. I'd replace the "demo video" on your home page with that.
As a side note, I thought the animated video was well produced. Would you mind sharing how you made it? (email in profile, if you'd prefer to do so off-thread). Thanks!
This is a MUCH better video for "getting" what the product is quickly. Show this one before anything else. But somewhere, please, explain what a "personal assistant" really means. If it's a real, breathing human being on call 24/7, say that. If it's someone that might be there, but will definitely get back to you within 6 hours, say that. Be transparent or nobody will bite... they are trying to calculate in their head if $29/mo is worth it to them, and they need to know exactly what they are receiving to make that calculation.
I watched/skimmed the first two minutes of this video. The lack of audio seems off-putting and amateur (so does the Big Head). It also seems a lot like a video of someone filling out a form. I feel like most people will be able to fill out a form without needing a video walkthrough and the video walkthrough doesn't really convey the usefulness of the product - which should be in the very beginning of the product.
I'd expect an explanatory video to have audio, and to cover the core utility of the project.