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The piece got picked up by TechMeme, and our server imploded.

We're working hard on getting it back up right now. Apologies for the delay.

Feel free to flame away at being cocky Bay Area types who can't manage a damn server properly....

I have read the article and I gotta say, I really enjoyed it, even though I disagree with about 99.99% of it (as probably all New Yorkers do)

This is a brilliant move from PR point of view. It invoked feelings of Andy Kaufman from me, because at the core, it's a troll - yet it's not an "obvious" troll, so people still fall for it. I can only imagine the traffic/attention you're gonna get now that it's viral. Bravo!

Thanks for reading.

At its heart, it's actually a love letter to New York. In a sort of toughlove sort of way.

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