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They are plenty representative of the Brooklyn of the last 10 years - that of steady gentrification and rise of cost of living, but still cheaper than Manahattan. Though not much. Much more housing stock, though.

Can we just assume that anyone commenting about Brooklyn on this post is implying South Brooklyn[1] or Williamsburg? If you aren't, please note. Something like "Come to East New York, Brooklyn" would work, so asnyder doesn't get confused.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Brooklyn

The greater "tech scene" (if you can call it that) in Brooklyn is in and around Dumbo and Downtown.

You're right. Mentally I (incorrectly) lump them in with South Brooklyn. Or, more to the point, "yipster" Brooklyn.

Honest question: How many people actually live near their work in DUMBO or Downtown?

No idea. Personally, I hate DUMBO and find it very inconvenient (from elsewhere in Brooklyn), but I know maybe a dozen hacker types who live over there.

*raises hand for etsy. There's definitely an interesting art scene in and around the dumbo area, and I get the impression that it's on its way to becoming a viable place for tech as well.

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