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I have been working on it by myself for a few months (so have a working proof of concept).

The idea is a data aggregation service that helps small to medium online businesses analyze common sources of ecommerce data.

Most small businesses do not have the time or manpower to implement complex business intelligence solutions such as SAP, Cognos, or Actuate (the big players in this space).

My product serves to bridge this gap by providing an easy way to gather both traditional and non-traditional metrics. By traditional I mean gross sales, volume, margins, site traffic etc. Non traditional would be a lot of the "Web 2.0" metrics (tweets, buzz, etc).

I'm at a point right now where a proof of concept is built but I need a lot of help in the marketing/business development department.

you should think of launching soon if you have a working proof of concept. I'd love to see it.

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