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Multiple problems with your argumentation:

1. women and minorities are underrepresented. True. That does not imply there is sexism. In reality, women have a 2:1 chance over men to get hired, just because everyone is desperate to hire women. Be it to improve the image, whatever. Source http://news.cornell.edu/stories/2015/04/women-preferred-21-o...

2. Norway (correct me if I'm wrong on the country) experimented with genderless and faceless applications. The result: Men were actually favoured over women in STEM. How can we explain that? It's certainly not sexism.

At the end of the day, it comes down to this: it is very controversial to say men and women chose differently, but they do. And there's nothing wrong with that! Isn't that what early feminists fought for? Were is the "sexism" in plumbing, oil rigs, and other less desirable jobs? There are virtually only men on those jobs. Tells you what these "diversity" people really are: jealous.

EDIT: Grammar

Sexism isn't real. Men actually have it twice as hard as women, because companies hire women just to make them look good. Here's a link to one source that proves this forever.

Norway hired men more often than women with genderless applications. Science cannot explain this, just like the tides of the ocean, or magnets.

At the end of the day, people fighting for equal representation are just jealous, and they can't accept that their Y chromosome made them not want to work on an oil rig.

well, I wish I could be that direct sometimes :D

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