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The only premium API we've announced today is 30-day search, but watch the roadmap (https://t.co/roadmap) for future updates.

Another user suggested that a lot of searches could result in massive spam results that suck away from the rate limit and clutter analysis.

What is Twitter doing to combat this? For example, I reported this account: https://twitter.com/ksfAKBARI for being spam account about 3 weeks ago, and nothing has been done yet. I noted in my report that it has a massive follower network of hundreds of other spam accounts. Why isn't Twitter at least tackling these extremely obvious spam accounts?

Spambots aren't against Twitters ToS. That one in particular might be part of a large bot network, but hasn't actually posted anything since 2012.

Even so, automatic posting is explicitly allowed by the developer ToS, with the only restriction that you don't cause undue load (which appears to be around how often you post).

To be clear - the only things which reliably get accounts banned on Twitter are Doxing people and actual terrorist accounts.

However (based on how Gnip and the public API work), they do some level of spam filtering by default. On some APIs you can turn that filter off.

> Spambots aren't against Twitters ToS.

Hooooly shit, this explains so much.

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