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I am riding a bicycle on a daily basis in Amsterdam. No one is using dash cams here, but I do(YI action cam) and it helped me a lot when a had the accident : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUY7psClcbQ

The irony of the driver's vision blocked by a bunch of bicycles parked on the corner.

What was the outcome of this? I think you assumed right of way a bit too much in this instance and went flying through without slowing down. Car was moving very slowly and you still hit it!!

This is exactly where a lot of tension between cyclists and cars comes from. Cyclists have much better visibility and should avoid accidents like this.

the outcome - I broke a bone in my palm and spent 6 weeks with the cast around my hand, the car driver fixed my bicycle, his insurance company paid all my expenses : public transport costs, medical costs("own risk") and the compensation for "pain and suffering".

That's surprising. To me it looks like you sped through an intersection without slowing down or looking out for cars.

You hit the car, the car didn't hit you.

Also, bicycles at that speed can stop very short if brakes in good order. You didn't brake! Sorry... I don't mean to be rude. But I ride in the city, and there's no way I'd speed across an intersection without making sure it was clear.

Lucky you're living in Amsterdam because in Australia you would be paying for damage to the car!

Legally, not sure I agree with you. It looks like an uncontrolled intersection (I don't see any signage requiring the bike lane to yield in any way, although I'm not familiar with Amsterdam's signage). Looks more like an alley to me than a road, too.

Cars turning right are obligated to yield to others going straight in this instance. The van turned into what looks pretty clearly to be a bike lane.

Practically speaking, I totally agree with you though. Bikers need to be way more defensive.

From my experience cars ALWAYS let bicycles go on those intersections here in Amsterdam. In my situation the driver's view was blocked or he didn't check it as it was 8am and I was moving very fast, shit happens.

I agree with you, sort of..my riding style was too aggressive and too fast on those days..It changed significantly thanks to this accident :-)

Good to hear. It's good you had the camera anyway, which was your main point, and also good you survived!

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