"The Halfbakery is a communal database of original, fictitious inventions, edited by its users. It was created by people who like to speculate, both as a form of satire and as a form of creative expression. (To learn more about what ideas are appropriate, see the help section.) "
I remember frequenting this site back in early early 200X's, the community was very vibrant back then. Perfect for people who always have ideas rattling around in their head.
I always wondered why TL;DR requests are being consistently down voted. Sometimes this is not a "too long don't CARE to read" but rather "I'm not sure I'm getting what this is about without investing a few hours into it so please kind Sirs and Ladies, can you sum up in a sentence?". Thanks for responding, responders.
For me, "TL;DR" inevitably implies a certain laziness. If a person really means, "I tried to understand this but I'm not getting it", maybe they could say that.
Given that the top reply to this post is a copy and paste from the first paragraph of the about page, I could see why people suspect the querent did not work very hard before posting, and so values their own time more than that of other people here. That might not be true, but I think it's on the asker to make that clearer, not the readers to guess.
Then that would have been a good thing to say. If you say you didn't read something when you actually did, you can't blame people for taking you at your word.
I've seen these kind of requests received better when they're phrased "Is anyone with more experience in the field able to summarise what's cool about this?"