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Jailbreak for ios 4.0 and iphone4 just released (jailbreakme.com)
122 points by br41n on Aug 1, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 55 comments

The installer works by exploiting a bug in the way Safari handles PDF files.

A couple years ago, jailbreakme.com was also live but used a TIFF exploit.

If you want to see the actual exploit files, go to: http://jailbreakme.modmyi.com/_/ and you will see a list of PDF files by device and OS version.

Thank you for providing this, I love this stuff. What site do you read to keep up to date with these things?

I have found the Dev-Team blog to post authoritative information about each iPhone jailbreak.


Alright so using a pdf analysis tool, here is what it spits out:


Some of that looks like Obj-C to me, what's the other stuff?

Out of curiosity...does this information make it easy for apple to stop this method of jb-ing? If so, why publicize details?

The information is very useful for education, and Apple really should fix this, since it's a way to root the device by viewing a PDF.

Using this exploit is it possible to install any app ? I mean by passing the app-store ?

I posted this on another thread...

I'd like to know how this works. Using this method, couldn't any site install arbitrary software on an iPhone through Safari without the user knowing? Or am I missing something?

Yes, it exploits a flaw in how the iPhone (and OS X presumably) handles PDF files to be able to run arbitrary code. I expect Apple will release an update that closes the hole.

Well, does this mean that most iPhones out there are full of spyware then? And why not?

Presumably not yet. But the blueprints to own any iOS device via a remote web exploit just got put online, with thousands of links pointing to them.

Lost my FaceTime capability after jailbreak.

Looks like MMS vanished too, at least for me.

UPDATE: You can work around by doing a backup first, jailbreaking, and then restoring from backup (which just copies settings/etc over). Stays jailbroken. If you have a pre-jailbreak backup apply that to fix.

Cydia has now released an update to their base package to fix this. It's a permission problem (can manually fix via SSH too):

chmod 755 /private/var/mobile/Library; chmod 755 /private/var/mobile/Library/Preference after that Reset Network Settings

confirmed. wonder what else is broken.

People on twitter are saying if you jailbreak from jailbreakme.com, and then do a full restore, you will get FaceTime/MMS functionality back. Unconfirmed

Damnit! Why did I click on this link... I didn't even need this...

Full restore failed for me. I'm trying this procedure: http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=10298203&post...

Damnit! Why did I click on this link... I didn't even need this...

Talent does what it can, Hackers do what they must :)

(Apologies to Edward Bulwer-Lytton)

I bricked my Iphone the first time I ran the jailbreak. Here is what I did to get it working again. 1. Start itunes and plug your iphone into your computer. Nothing will happen right now, just do it. 2. With your iphone plugged in and itunes started hold down the home key and the top button. 3. Keep holding down both buttons during the reboot and blank screen. Don't let go until you see a disk and a usb cable. 4. Select restore from itunes.

It was not bricked. It was Facetime/MMS that disappeared.

Saw this live an hour ago on Twit. Don't do this on an iPad yet. It screwed up Leo Laporte's live.

Finally. I've really missed iBlacklist, in the first week on iPhone 4 I had too many "should have been blocked" calls.

Why do ex-girlfirends of many years ago think calling now is a good idea?

Fun. Of course the same exploit can be used to (maliciously) own your phone from any webpage.

I wonder if this is exploitable through iAds. And how long would it take anyone to notice such an attack, if it were stealthier than this jailbreak...

Just did this on an iPhone 4 running iOS 4.0.1. Worked like a charm! Some of the Cydia repositories are being hit hard and may time out the first time you load Cydia (BigBoss especially).

Edit: MyWi's USB tethering works, looks like Wifi tethering does not.

Tried wifi tethering and it worked. Although at first it didn't...so I went into settings changed some settings around and then back to how they were at first and hit 'done' and it worked. Sorry for the non-technical explanation but that worked for me.

Jailbreakme.com is overloaded, you can connect to that mirror throught your iPhone: http://jailbreakme.modmyi.com

Here's a good list of Jailbreak applications that are compatible with iOS4 and iPhone4.


how long did everyone's take? mine has been stuck on "sit tight" for about 15 minutes.

Mine took about 5 minutes.

Will this type of jailbreak let you use the iPhone 4 on a different carrier?

From http://www.iphonehacks.com/2010/08/jailbreakme-20-released-t...

"Update 4:

If you want to unlock your iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G then you need to first jailbreak your iPhone on iOS 4 or iOS 4.0.1 using JailbreakMe and then install Ultrasn0w 0.93 to unlock your iPhone."

That doesn't answer parent poster's question.

iPhone 4 unlock will come in next 24 hours. It's in last round of testing. You can use ultrasn0w 0.93 to unlock 3GS or 3G right now though.

You can get an unlocked iPhone 4 in Canada now. Some are popping up on ebay like crazy.

Can anyone recommend the best tethering app for a jailbroken iPhone 4?

PDAnet works wonderfully for me. It's free, and it's really simple to set up.

Install it, then create an ad hoc network on your computer.

When you launch PDAnet, it's going to scan for available ad hocs; select the one you just created.

At least on my apple machine, as soon as I connect, my box recognizes that the iPhone can be used as a gateway to the internet.

Very slick :)

Note that PDAnet is actually trialware, and the full SOCKS proxy functionality is only free for 14 days. After that, you just get port 80 forwarded, so nothing beyond HTTP will work on tethered devices.

I believe you're thinking of iPhonemodem (or something like that?)...

I cannot find anything on pdanet that is asking me for money (this is why I uninstalled iphonemodem)

Nope, I'm talking about PDAnet. Check out their FAQ:


Once it's jailbroken, you don't need an app. Just install the correct "profile" and it enables tethering natively.

Do you know if this will attract attention or fees from AT&T under their newly-priced tethering model?

Possibly. Until now AT&T have ignored (or been unable to detect) people who had artificially enabled tethering. Now that they have an official tethering plan,if they do have a way to detect unofficial tetherers then they may automatically add tethering to your account. This is similar to what happens if they detect you using a smartphone without a data plan.

They charge you for just having a phone that can use data? Or they charge you because you are actually using data? If it's the first then it is crazy.

If I'm not mistaken, the unsigned configuration profile fix comes with the carrier unlock (not out for the iPhone 4 yet), not the jailbreak.

You're mistaken.

I never unlocked my 3GS but had tethering enabled for most of the 3.x lifecycle.

I am pretty sure installing unsigned MobileConfig was disabled in 3.1.2. Maybe you already installed carrier update that has tethering enabled?

Well, in any case, installing the profile from


didn't enable tethering on my 4.

How do you change the profile? I don't see the tether option in Settings > General > Network

MyWi is the best tethering app. It turns your phone into a wifi access point. The other tethering apps require you to setup adhoc mode and are a major pain in the ass. MyWi makes your phone act like a 3g wireless hotspot and is pretty awesome. Install it through RockApp.

I tried 'tether' just now, but it fails when you try to switch apps or if the phone locks.

MMS works for me after jailbreaking but the MobileTerminal doesn't run .. it crashes every time I try to load it. Is anybody else experiencing the same issue?

MobileTerminal appears to be fundamentally broken on iOS4, at least as shipped in Cydia (it was when I upgraded and jailbroke my 3G).

But, you can grab the latest version from the project's website, and install it via SSH:


I'm experiencing this same issue. I also have MMS and Facetime working, although I got it pretty late in the day yesterday so they probably already fixed that issue.

I urge anyone looking to do this to:

1. save your shsh keys locally and to cydia 2. If you are on 4.0 do not upgrade 3. Wait couple more days for reports

Shouldn't this be posted on Cracker News instead?

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