A switch costs 330,- Dollar; The support person is getting paid anyway. Shipping costs 8 Dollar. Yes it matters.
Yes it matters in one case, yes it matters in 10 cases.
Yes you have a ethical/moral responsibility to tell them. Why? Because if you expect any company or someone else to tell you when you fucked up, you have to do this as well.
I go back to a store to tell them, that they forgot to give me 1$. I go back to a store and give them 1$ when i realise that they gave me 1$ more than expected.
Yes it matters in one case, yes it matters in 10 cases.
Yes you have a ethical/moral responsibility to tell them. Why? Because if you expect any company or someone else to tell you when you fucked up, you have to do this as well.
I go back to a store to tell them, that they forgot to give me 1$. I go back to a store and give them 1$ when i realise that they gave me 1$ more than expected.