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Try holding your computer upside down (ideasonboard.org)
40 points by jluxenberg on Aug 1, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Those trying to hunt down the section, it says this:

"3 This camera module is known to be mounted upside-down in some notebooks. Applications that use the libv4l library should display the video correctly, as libv4l detects upside-down cameras and rotates the image automatically. See Hans de Goede's post on the linux-uvc-devel mailing list for more information. For applications that don't use libv4l, try holding your computer upside-down. "

It's a joke. If you're not using v4l, then you're rolling your own. So you either have to fix it yourself, or hold it upside down. :)

Or use xrandr to virtually hold your screen upside down. :)

I ran into the flipped camera issue with skype on my asus laptop. Skype doesn't use that library, so an easy way to solve it is to LD_PRELOAD, like explained here: http://aeminium.org/slug/software/tips/skype-asus-flipped.ht...

A quick googling will show you several pages with the same workaround.

Isn't this more Reddit material than HN? I'd gladly upvote this... on Reddit.

That's the best workaround idea I've ever heard.

...and shaking it?

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