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And in June 2018...then what?

Sorry - just very tired of people tossing out ESR as a solution to this problem. It isn’t - at best, it just kicks the can down the road. At worst, it’s continuing to support a company that’s shown utter disregard for a huge portion of its user base by the way they’ve handled XUL deprecation. No one’s saying XUL didn’t need to go - it did. What’s frustrating is the complete removal of it without before providing a viable replacement and the accompanying big shrug / middle finger to anyone who relies on XUL-based extensions and can’t switch to the neutered WE version (see Tile Tabs and Tree Style Tab).

As a long-time Firefox user, I’m extremely disappointed by the way Mozilla has handled this. I’ll use 57 for dev tools and bookmark sync, but Waterfox or Vivaldi will be my daily driver.

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