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Problem Solving using Graph Traversals (slideshare.net)
93 points by yarapavan on Aug 1, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

If you know Python you can experiment with some graph algorithms using NetworkX (http://networkx.lanl.gov).

Check out the tutorial: http://networkx.lanl.gov/tutorial/tutorial.html

I am glad to see this on the HN front page - excellent overview of graph theory and interesting ideas for using data flow and also a common API for several underlying graph datastores. The first part that used matrix/tensors to explain different types of graphs and operations was good also.

For further background and more code examples I can really recommend O'Reilly's "Programming the Semantic Web" [Segaran et al.]

In a similar vein is the superb "Programming Collective Intelligence", also from O'Reilly.

On page 25, the subscript for E in the second equation should be k, not m?

Yeah, that would make more sense than what is currently there.

Btw if youre further interested the authors other papers are listed at http://markorodriguez.com/Lectures.html . Bonus you dont need a slideshare account to download the slides pointed to by this story.

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