I am searching for examples of really great demo videos that explain a product or service. In your opinion what are some of the most clear and/or creative videos from startups out there?
He's one of the developers of Birdhouse, which he started as a side project from doing Hollywood VFX work. Now he's working on making these kinds of promotional videos full time — he's mentioned that he's done internal stuff for companies, and he just published a new one for an iPad app: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2vpvEDS00o
We're working on making a video demo for our payment system (http://www.facecash.com) that's as good as Square's video or better. (We think our system is already better, but their videos are really good.) If anyone has any ideas that you think we should incorporate, let me know!
Aside from high production values, the reason this is a great clip is that they start with "Why?". If you're not familiar with Simon Sinek's awesome TED talk, I highly recommend it:
Slightly OT, but I got distracted by the strange Aphex Twin cover they used as background music. Followed the link, and now that group (The Bad Plus) has at least one new fan. I like seeing new business models like that in practise.
I'd just like to add that spending the time to put together a good-quality demo video for your startup can be a rewarding experience, and very worthwhile too. I think many still treat it like an after-thought when getting ready to launch their app, though. I was almost more proud of my demo video than when I launched LeadNuke in the first place (realizing that I lack any considerable experience making screencasts). I also took the opportunity to slip in a plug for my other startup, RateMyStudentRental.
That being said, it's just a simple screencast, so I wouldn't say it's inherently creative or out of the ordinary. But it does go to show that you can make a decent quality demo video on the cheap in under a few hours if you take it seriously.
YC plug, but I really always thought DropBox did a great job - one of the things I most appreciated was the key example - they put it in terms of an item that everyone recognizes and a problem most people (if not all) have probably dealt with. I think the present version is even extended a bit from the original (now includes some computer files info)
One of the best I've seen recently is by blippy, http://blippy.com/
Just very simple animations that make it easy to quickly grasp the concept and answer potential questions about the product (security, privacy etc.)
Back when DabbleDB was new, hot and for testers, they posted some videos on what DabbleDB is. Those videos were so good. This application was everything you wanted spreadsheets to be.
That one is boring, left me with no idea what rule.fm is/does (I stopped watching after about 45 seconds), and looked lovely doing it. F+ (a + for looking good while being completely and utterly pointless).
Agree. Crappiest demo in a while. It's very decieving in that you know these guys know how to use a video editing tool. But if there was a well-edited demo with the CRAPPIEST content, rule.fm demo wins it hands down.
So these are all really well done videos -- very professional, and probably cost a ton. anyone know of a web service that lets you easily create your own demo vid?