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You have kind of an absurd definition of diversity.

You only care about diversity involving people from socioeconomic or racial groups associated with poverty or historical oppression.

That ignores so many other kinds of diversity in the world.

Your definition is far too exclusive and narrow minded.

What types of diversity can you have amongst racially, socially, and economically homogenous people? What are you talking about? What is your grand, open-minded idea that ignores what actual diversity is?

I'm glad you asked! Diversity in musical tastes, religious and political ideology and affiliation, food preference (because new cuisine is always great to discover), experiences as a result of living in a primarily rural vs urban setting, occupational diversity, etc etc. I could go on. You care about diversity in things that don't really matter. When I walk into a room full of people I don't really care about their income, or the color of their skin. I care about them as people, their interests, their unique life stories. You should stop obsessing so much about race and economic status. This is a free to use internet forum. No one is barred from joining based on their race or wealth.

1 point by lobf 1 hour ago | edit | delete [-]

I'm very sorry for offending you by not recognizing that "diversity in musical taste" provides for greater diversity than racial, social, and economic status. Silly me, I've been thinking about diversity all wrong. You're right, HN is very diverse- we have middle class white guys who like Metallica, and others who like show tunes. We have middle class white guys from suburban Iowa, and others from suburban Massachusetts. This is a very diverse website, I was very confused before.

>You care about diversity in things that don't really matter.

Race, social, and economic status don't matter. Musical tastes matter.

This place is so out of touch with reality. I'm glad I moved out of the bay area.

So you care about diversity in the color of someone's skin but not in what really defines them as a person? Or you think skin color defines people? And that all white people are pretty much the same? You're showing yourself to be quite racist.

Right, recognizing race is one of the most important factors in deciding your status in this country is racist. Pretending race doesn't exist isn't racist.

Again, you guys are so laughably out of touch. This is a poe's-law level discussion.

Again, it seems you're assuming that just because someone is "white" and not rich/poor they're the same as other "white", not rich/poor people. That's offensive and naive.

I'm very sorry for offending you by not recognizing that "diversity in musical taste" provides for greater diversity than racial, social, and economic status. Silly me, I've been thinking about diversity all wrong. You're right, HN is very diverse- we have middle class white guys who like Metallica, and others who like show tunes. We have middle class white guys from suburban Iowa, and others from suburban Massachusetts. This is a very diverse website, I was very confused before.

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