When discussing a thought experiment, it’s helpful to assume that you are in The Least Convenient Possible World[1]. In this case, the GP is considering a pill that actually provides any actual effect of exercising that you deem useful or important. In a world where we had such a pill, is having such simple solutions to problems, having to avoid things like learning self-discipline or commitment, too big a downside?
In this case your point that such a pill wouldn’t help with your joints being limber or sweating is a cop-out. It’s not actually addressing the point of the discussion, instead focusing on details irrelevant to the point of the thought experiment.
In this case your point that such a pill wouldn’t help with your joints being limber or sweating is a cop-out. It’s not actually addressing the point of the discussion, instead focusing on details irrelevant to the point of the thought experiment.
[1]: http://lesswrong.com/lw/2k/the_least_convenient_possible_wor...