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Yes similar to a prototype language. The original design goals of OOP was you removed your constraints from the machine language and the restrictions that comes with a state based machine. Instead of focusing on mutex’s, member fields, private/public functions inheritance. You took your problem domain and deconstructed it using basic-level categorization into objects.

Those objects themselves would have behaviors and their own internal state. Those objects would communicate with each other via sending messages. It was up to the receiving object how it would or wouldn't reply to such a message. In this model there isn’t a type system as each object send messages to each other. To solve a distinct problem objects would delegate onto each other who would be the best to accomplish the task.

If you needed a object to have new behaviors you would just simply send a message to the object with the new routine/method/function. Just like the real world you could add/remove things from objects without any concern. In this way your objects morphed over time that where a representation of the complexity of the real world.

The problem that happened was a lot of OOP didn’t take place in the domain of the real world instead engineers moulded it to fit into a state based machine. Out went the notion of Objects sending messages to each other because it was too much of a performance hit. Out went the notion of clone objects instead replaced with a central management system such as classes. Next was the constrain of a type system, and inheritance.

The best example of a true OOP language today is javascript/small-talk/prototype languages.

"{}.f is not a function"


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