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Please correct me if I am interpreting this incorrectly. I read the paper and it sounds like you retrained the softmax layer on Inception to classify the 3-D printed turtle as a rifle. In that case, you would have overwritten Inception's original representation of what a rifle looks like. Did you test out what would happen if you put a picture of a rifle in front of the camera? How would the network now classify the rifle?

They're not changing the original network. That would not be very interesting. They're generating objects that fool the correctly trained network.

>given access to the classifier gradient, we can make adversarial examples

It seems like they are finding little "inflection points" in the trained network where a small, well-placed change of input can flip the result to something different. With the rise of "AI for AI", I imagine this is something that could be optimized against.

In the turtle example, it seems that google's classifier has found that looking for a couple specific things (mostly a trigger in this case) identifies a gun better than looking for the entirety of a gun. Perhaps optimizing against these inflection points will force the classifier to have a better understanding of the objects it is classifying and lead to better results in non-adversarial situations.

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