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Pairwise supports Statsaholic by boycotting Amazon web services (pairwise.com)
9 points by solfox on April 22, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Guys, it must have been a lot of work moving over to a different solution but integrity is more than worth it. Amazon needs to get the message that what they're doing is clearly wrong. Ability to mashup different services is one of the cornerstones of Web2.0 and if that ability disappears, so will a lot of value that mashups provide.


We were very early adopters of both s3 and ec2, so much so that when we launched likebetter, amazon called us to congratulate us when they noticed the traffic spike!

So we never really trusted their reliability and built up integration with them in a hot-swap sort of way - so, while I'd love to take credit for weeks worth of work on this, switching meant changing around a few variables. :-)

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