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I find VS Code VIM to be the best outside of well VIM and getting better.

I am thinking that in the near future the brain bending of Neovim inside of the a text editor VS Code ecosystem will happen. They already are putting parts of Neovim inside of VS Code editor in the last patch.

I just can’t put my finger on it, but in VSCode I very frequently end up in a weird vim state where I just have to hit escape until it resets to normal mode. There just seems to be a lot of corner cases or something that I end up hitting frequently.

And I’m fairly certain that is not on my part seeing as both vim itself, Spacemacs and Atom’s vim mode work superbly for me. It’s one of those things where VSCode just ends up irking me too much and I switch back to other editors :/

I suspect what you're running into is some kind of crash when running a command. I will say that I don't think we're doing a very good job handling errors, and I suspect it's that most users don't report them (they just press <Esc> and it goes back to normal).

For example, this: https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/pull/2087

Either way, if you're ever interested in heading back to VSCode and felt disappointed in the Vim mode, check out the progress of https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/pull/1897 or https://github.com/Chillee/VSCodeNeovim. Those should provide a much higher fidelity emulation.

Ah, that would certainly make sense. Is there any logging anywhere when such a thing occurs so one could help dissect the issue?

If you try opening up dev tools when that happens, it's likely the issue will pop up.

Honestly, there's several places that from an engineering quality standpoint bother me quite a bit. Performance on rapidly repeated actions is one. We have a couple race conditions too. A bunch of inproperly handled errors is another.

However, most of these don't really impact most users most of the time. If you're using vim, you're probably not holding down `dd` or rapidly typing actions one after a while. Similarly, as errors are separated into their own action and are captured at the top level, hitting escape is usually enough to get you back to a usable state.

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