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iterm has terrible latency, you should try using alacritty - way faster.

Unfortunatley Alacritty has the same issues:

From Alacritty's FAQ: Q: "macOS + tmux + vim is slow! I thought this was supposed to be fast! This appears to be an issue outside of terminal emulators; either macOS has an IPC performance issue, or either tmux or vim (or both) have a bug. This same issue can be seen in iTerm2 and Terminal.app. I've found that if tmux is running on another machine which is connected to Alacritty via SSH, this issue disappears. Actual throughput and rendering performance are still better in Alacritty."

I did, but it didn't work all that well for me. I just tried it a minute ago. However, I found that macvim was way better for me, once I figured out how to make it look as pretty.

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