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NLB DynamoDB EMR even HIPAA without dedicated was on AWS first ... whatever AWS does Google is trying to do better. Granted Kubernetes was google product but what was so innovative about it when Docker and Linux container was already there for a long time ... and now AWS has ECS

You are factually incorrect about HIPPA and dedicated hosts. Amazon only switched to the non-dedicated approach this year some time. Google has been that way for at least two (if not longer).

EMR is basically hosted Hadoop, which is an open source implementation of a system Google created and made famous.

Docker is based on cgroups, which was largely contributed by Google engineers. And anyone deploying docker for distributed systems will tell you that you need some kind of scheduler/orchestrator.

Amazon excels at packaging and bundling the work of others, and provides a fairly robust enterprise management layer on top of it. CloudFormation, for example, is much better than GCP’s Deployment Manager. Google is quickly catching up in the enterprise management space as well, as they take on larger customers who demand these abilities, but I still feel like AWS has a bit more capability there.

You probably should have listed Lambda, which was a nice idea out of AMZN.

kubernetes is a scheduler and orchestrator. something Docker (still?) hasn't gotten right.

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