Netflix would LOVE to provide their whole catalogue to their whole subscriber base. They'd be crazy not to. The more content they can offer, the better their service, the more subscribers they'll get.
They block VPN's and other tools because their contracts with content providers say so.
It even says it right in their terms of use
4.3. You may view the Netflix content primarily within the country in which you have established your account and only in geographic locations where we offer our service and have licensed such content.
Netflix is in the tough position of needing to know where you are -now-. VPN's mess with that.
Don't get me wrong, requiring someone to disable a VPN to use the service is bullocks. But some services don't have much of an option. From what I understand Netflix is aggressively trying to obtain world-wide rights for their whole library, but until the old dog content producers get on board they'll have a rough time.
They block VPN's and other tools because their contracts with content providers say so.
It even says it right in their terms of use
Netflix is in the tough position of needing to know where you are -now-. VPN's mess with that.Don't get me wrong, requiring someone to disable a VPN to use the service is bullocks. But some services don't have much of an option. From what I understand Netflix is aggressively trying to obtain world-wide rights for their whole library, but until the old dog content producers get on board they'll have a rough time.