> The whole point of Docker containers is that they're very efficient with their resource and space usage. If you have 15 redundant frameworks pre-loaded in a container, of which you use at most 3, you're using Docker wrong.
Well, I'd say the point of Docker is to make distributing and running something easy, reliable, and reasonably safe. Which is what is happening here.
It is true that Docker is more space efficient than setting up whole VMs for each app. But it's a lot less space efficient than installing everything on a big server. If you are running, say, a bunch of Python apps, the lowest-space approach is making sure they all use the same set of libraries, modules, and other required resources. But harmonizing those versions is a pain in the ass, so Docker lets you easily use multiple copies of python, overlapping libraries, python packages, etc.
It's true that if you were deploying this in production, you'd want to trim this back. But this is explicitly a "research environment".
Absolutely loading loads of packages in a container is never a good idea for production. But Deepo is not for production, it is a playground. It is a thing which help people to explore and learn these packages without a hassle and the worry for messing up their system.
Indeed, having played around dl-docker, I really appreciate the author of Deepo. It seems like to be more updated, more well-covered, and more promising to me.
> Well, I'd say the point of Docker is to make distributing and running something easy, reliable, and reasonably safe. Which is what is happening here.
you may not think that this is what containers are for. But it's certainly how people use them, and it's echoed on https://www.docker.com/what-container
As someone who has wasted hours setting up these various tools on an EC2 instance (just to play around with cool projects and experiment) this is a gorgeous constellation of utility.
I thought the point of Docker was to compartmentalize software setups to make them portable? Who are you to say someone is using it "wrong" if people find the utility in it?
It feels more and more like containers in general is being used as a band-aid over various underlying issues concerning inter-dependencies and conflicts between various projects within the Linux ecosystem.
Why take the effort to get the kids to play nice with each other when you can lock each of them in their own room?
I've been having issues with slow IO on some of my containers, and I'm using AUFS. What is the cause of the slowdown with AUFS? Why do they not use Overlay2 as default if AUFS has such a major issue?
AUFS is the only fs that was broadly distributed until recently. Now, it's been removed in the latest linux distributions because it's too buggy and unstable.
Overlay was started and quickly abandoned. Only to be replaced by overlay2 that is work in progress and not wildly available yet.
> The whole point of Docker containers is that they're very efficient with their resource and space usage. If you have 15 redundant frameworks pre-loaded in a container, of which you use at most 3, you're using Docker wrong.