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No, really, what's a monad? (rmarcus.info)
5 points by ColinWright on Oct 29, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I really, really like, that you can view the examples in a bunch of different languages and I like the implementation of the switching UI.

> Hopefully you have now gained at least a little sympathy for the Haskell purist who laments Python’s lack of 1st class support for monads. In languages like Haskell, applying a monad to a function doesn’t require you to refactor that function into a bunch of calls to bind: every function actually already uses the identity/trivial monad, and you can swap out the implementation anytime you want.

One final listing that showed one of the earlier examples in Haskell to get a taste of "1st class support for monads" would have made this article perfect.

This works - thanks for that!

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