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Systems Analysis and Programming: Thoughts from the Attic (2011) (norvig.com)
50 points by abecedarius on Oct 25, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

The article is Peter Norvig critiquing a 50-year old checkers-playing program. "He should have at least included a test suite."

Previous thread with you know who himself: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2921506.

From far down in that thread, http://norvig.com/sciam/sciam.html is a more readable formatting of the same article.

This is significantly more readable, I think the OP should be changed to point to this.

so when he referenced amit patel in there i though to myself, surely that's not he of red blob games fame. what a surprise!


Missed that one! Thanks.

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