Apparently, the Navy SEAL's have a similar philosophy during BUD/S, and particularly during Hell Week where they go five days of gruelling physical challenges with a total of about 3-4 hours sleep.
This article seems to reference a personality trait that seems to be lacking in modern society: grit. Just my person opinion. Heck, I've lacked grit, in some situations.
For a good (motivational) read about the definition of grit, who's got it, and why it matters, I recommend Angela Duckworth [link]
>>Navy SEAL's have a similar philosophy during BUD/S, and particularly during Hell Week where they go five days of gruelling physical challenges with a total of about 3-4 hours sleep.
The standard advice while doing anything that is that long and stressful, is to try and not quit the next 5 minutes at one time.
But even in the case of Hell week, the worst part is the first 2.5 days. If you can make it till there, you finish the week. The instructors also don't push you to the point of the falling to total exhaustion, they know, if they have seen you hold on for half the time, you will get the remaining done easily.