Hass has probably been the biggest help to this quadriplegic in the past decade. The way it's made it easy to stitch together a massive variety of Internet connected devices is absolutely awesome. I've got lightbulbs from one company, plugs from another, sensors from another and then there are all the web-based sensors which I can easily control with my Amazon echoes. It truly is a remarkable piece of technology.
Were I to ask a specialist disability company to replicate the setup I have at home it would probably cost me 10 times what it already has, and unfortunately that's not hyperbole is it really would cost me that much.
Not only that, but the Discord[1] channel is not full of terrible old greybeards having a go at n00bs for not knowing things. The amount of patient and helpful advice I've had was learning over these past six months how to set it up has been amazing. That seems to be getting rarer and rarer these days among technical online communities, or maybe it's just confirmation bias. Either way they are very nice people. I've even had the developers help me with problems that are specific to me and my disability and probably not to very many other people just because they could.
They deserve serious props for this work, they really do.
Were I to ask a specialist disability company to replicate the setup I have at home it would probably cost me 10 times what it already has, and unfortunately that's not hyperbole is it really would cost me that much.
Not only that, but the Discord[1] channel is not full of terrible old greybeards having a go at n00bs for not knowing things. The amount of patient and helpful advice I've had was learning over these past six months how to set it up has been amazing. That seems to be getting rarer and rarer these days among technical online communities, or maybe it's just confirmation bias. Either way they are very nice people. I've even had the developers help me with problems that are specific to me and my disability and probably not to very many other people just because they could.
They deserve serious props for this work, they really do.
@robotsandcake over on Discord