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One man's hate symbol is another man's freedom of expression.


If Twitter really bans Pepe the Frog I expect a huge backlash. Whatever mechanism exists to get some symbol recognized as a hate symbol will be exploited by trolls: The Twitter bird itself could be saying some very nasty stuff soon.

Unwanted sexual advances is also a slippery slope. Twitter is already banning/muting users that make sexual advances to a company mascotte: Tony the Tiger. So I can't imagine how this will look like in "real life".

About the hateful names, what exactly would this be targeting? Are "jewgoldstein" or "(((they)))know" hateful ban-able names?

I don't have a verified logo next to my name, nor can I write 280 character Tweets, so I don't have much to lose if these new rules turn out to be draconic. All the hate groups (think lowest of low: harassing family of suicide victims), all the violence, all the glorification of terrorist attacks: It is mostly water under the bridge by now, and posturing. The large number of bots and users guarantees that this will be some ML algorithm with a few false positives, that won't have much of a voice for you to care about it.

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