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Can't say for sure, but we mexicans are very hypocrite about racism. We look at the US and can't believe how they treat their immigrants, but we do the same in the south border. I have heard that we treat them even worse than what happens in our north border.

There's a machismo culture and it might be the worst about ourselves, but also we look down to the indigenous population, saying things like «you are so indigenous» to mock somebody who has done something stupid.

Obviously we are not all like that, but when you look at the average mexican, things are not looking too good. So there's that, but also the thing about the trending topics is that it looks like it's created by people that gets paid to create them. And between jobs they are testing their weapons, focusing on a controversial issue (when you click on a trending topic it's almost 50%-50% people using it to make their hateful statement to those who use it to defend the affected group of people).

Regardless, a platform as interested in their user's safety shouldn't be a megaphone for hate speech.

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