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I think the big question here is our President's tweets…

And the mass of replies that each of his tweets garners, most of which I would personally consider to be unilaterally "hateful", especially the ones that seem to always float to the top...

They have already responded to this, the rules are applied with some leeway to account for "newsworthiness". The president's tweets will not be taken down and his account won't be banned because of a blind application of the rules.

If Twitter starts censoring mainstream political speech by even the POTUS, I think that'd draw more attention than they want.

Right now and in the future they can censor people that few people care about and probably have a much bigger impact without any outrage outside of niche communities.

Where did they say they were censoring political speech?

It’s perfectly possible to speak about politics without personal attacks or threats.

What do you mean by that? Your president's idiotic tweets make Twitter millions, this is the only reason many people hear about Twitter...

It's why Twitter has allowed Trump's account to get away with clear rule violations.

My understanding is that the military and police, as representatives of an elected government, are legally allowed violence and should also be allowed to exist on Twitter.

There's not much evidence that Trump is making Twitter money. People are not joining Twitter to interact with Trump, or even to read his tweets.

They aren't affected by Twitter's existing rules, and presumably won't be by any new rules, unless they are changing not only the written rules but the unwritten rules controlling whether or not they apply the written rules.

I live in the UK, we do not have a President here.

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