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Yeah, the GC code is certainly not optimal (in terms of memory usage), but I don't know if that means you can't trust it.

At least in the simple tests I did it behaved as expected, but I know that testing a GC for correctness is not a simple task!!

>What I find most impressive about the DotNetAnywhere runtime is that it was developed by one person and is less that 40,000 lines of code!! For a comparison the .NET framework Garbage Collector is almost 37,000 lines.

Keeping the code base small is a double edged sword. The trouble with everything going web-based these days is that script kiddies (myself included) should have some awareness of how memory is being managed and when to worry about holding IEnumerables in memory. Your write-up here is interesting and it's the first I've heard of Blazor. This is all very fascinating you have me reading the codebase now.

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