The homepage tells me nothing about what this company is. And it seems I'm required to grant lots of access to my Facebook account in order to find out. Sorry, moving on.
We'll work on communicating our product on the homepage better. We want just what we need from FB users, so we'll double check the extended permissions we request.
Regarding the name "86". Back when I worked in a restaurant and we were out of cobbler (for example) we'd tell the servers to "86 the cobbler" so they'd know we were out of it and to not take anymore orders for it.
I suppose the meaning is for you to "86" your to-do item meaning to 'get it done.'
Interesting. Kinda like plancast events without firm dates.
From the title I was hoping for some kind of social analysis showing that people check in to foursquare locations where they wish they hung out more :-P
- Once you have groups together we want to be able to reach out to with places/times/deals to get you to go out. Not something we're advertising yet, but something we want to explore.
- To get your friends on board, we need to share it, so that's why we ask for permission to post to your wall.
- We do a lot of work async in sharing items with your friends hence offline access.
- When coordinating a plan, location is important. We don't use it yet, but will soon.
I'd be interested in email and invites, more than through a social network, give me a little more control over who can see my lists. Multiple lists may well be easier to manage at that point too.