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Would this work for a business that requires domain expertise?

I run an online lsat prep business. I sell video courses. Not a monthly SASS, but everything runs automatically. Students arrive at predictable times of the year and buy in predictable quantities.

But, to expand on it, you would need domain knowledge. That can be hired; I have an assistant who’s an lsat tutor who handles a lot of support.

There aren’t really any buyers within my niche. Existing lsat prep companies already have a course.

There’s also the issue that my personality is in the business. The videos feature me, and the informational materials are written in my own style, using the word “I”, etc.

So far I’ve been operating on the assumption that I can’t sell it at a reasonable value. But maybe that’s mistaken. Do you think non-lsat experts might want to buy a business like this?

There’s definitely some cost savings potential. “Programmer” is one of my larger expenses. A developer could optimize it with their own labour instead.

Do you think non-lsat experts might want to buy a business like this?

Most business owners are business owners because they enjoy the returns of the asset, not because they are themselves experts at every facet of maximizing those returns. Expertise can be bought; that is a major part of their responsibility. (When I expressed surprise at the existence of non-technical SaaS buyers someone reminded me that there are people who could not cook a burger who nonetheless buy McDonalds franchises.)

There’s also the issue that my personality is in the business. The videos feature me, and the informational materials are written in my own style, using the word “I”, etc.

This isn't ideal but isn't insurmountable. Is your personality in the business or is it the business? People have sold very personal brands before, but it's tricky to arrange at the lower end of the scale. To the extent that you appear in a video, well, someone has to appear in the video, and "founder" remains true regarding you even if it is an entirely emeritus position. Informational materials being written in your style is not a problem; style is one of the things they're buying, and they can either continue consciously adopting it or adjust to the styles of the people doing writing when you aren't, at their option.

For a more detailed opinion, chat up a broker; they'll be happy to tell you their opinion of whether going through the process is worth your time.

Thanks! Do you have a broker you recommend?

It’s probably worth thinking about this as I grow, because it would be nice to diversify in a year or two.

As for personality, it’s kind of a mix, but I think a purchaser could overcome it. It’s helpful that the site be run by me, but probably not integral.

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