But deporting Muslims? He definitely didn't campaign on that. And that he targeted LGBT people is a real stretch. Even Obama was more anti-LGBT in 2008.
Yes. Remember when he was saying he was going to ban all Muslims? And remember the Muslim ban that prevented lawful residents from coming back into the country?
You may not want to believe it, but it is true. Lots of groups of marginalized people felt targeted by Trump and his supporters. And Trump has not done a thing to assuage those fears.
It wasn't "ban all Muslims" it was "ban all Muslims from entering", which is a pretty important distinction & not anywhere near as severe as deportation. The travel ban was really stupid in my opinion -- but I don't dislike it is as much as I dislike the notion that having any policy about who can or can't come here is immoral.
If it "didn't matter" then there wouldn't be such a massive difference in the opinions of Muslims and non-Muslims about secular topics. Islam in particular is also more like religious and political ideology intertwined, and the political aspect of it does not mix well with Western culture or values. I'm not just making this up either, there are a variety of polls from allegedly "moderate" Muslim countries as well as within European countries that show disturbingly high levels of support for terrorism, honor killings, oppression of women, killing of apostates, etc.
Seriously though, it's hard to have it any other way when this issue has been moralized as much as it has. A nation has a fundamental right to control it's borders and determine who does and doesn't get citizenship etc. It is not a human right to have access to the United States.
I witnessed first hand an entire mobile engineering department at a major US company dissolved. Managers, QA, software engineers, a total of 20 hardworking, dependable people, were shown the door in favor of Chinese contractors who would do their job for a quarter of the price.
Empathy, it seems, is often a cherry picked virtue.
Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who sees their country selling out to the highest bidder. Can you not understand their fear?