Fwiw, as far as I'm aware, monerujo is not actually a "light wallet" because it still must download the transaction outputs set from a remote node and then do the computations to scan for your outputs (with your view key), then cache those. Basically what monero-cli or monero-gui does. I've been asking around the community and we seem to agree to some degree it's more apt to refer to it as a full wallet or some such. Disclosure: partner and lead dev for mymonero
I’m a fan of monero, but transaction fees do not decrease as more transactions occur. There are limits to how big the blocks can grow, and also how quickly they respond to demand, and at the end of the day the transaction price will go up as demand increases.
> but transaction fees do not decrease as more transactions occur.
Yes, it does. The transaction fee is a dynamic fee based on the block size. As the block size increases, the transaction fee decreases. The theory being that an increased blocksize means there's increased demand for Monero, which implies that the value of Monero has increased, so the transaction fee should decrease.
Perhaps. But they are not hardcoded. The limits are based on the network infrastructure (lag, node calculation speeds). Basically, the blocks will grow until orphaning becomes a serious problem.
> and also how quickly they respond to demand,
This is in, in fact, the only hard coded limit of the things you mentioned.
The dynamic fees you mention are a client side default that may be a good heuristic for client side transaction pricing but has precisely 0 effect on which transactions a miner will include in a block, which will purely choose the highest price transactions. Furthermore, the price is in terms of monero, so sure, you may be paying less monero but it’ll still price out stuff like microtransactions as the fiat price goes past tens of cents.
When I say there is a limit to block sizes, I am referring to the factors, lag, etc, you mention. I believe monero has had to change the block times in the past, as too many orphans were occurring, and block size is another dimension that this will occur on, as it affects the latency of communicating the blocks.
Monero is great, but once you factor in the larger transactions I am extremely doubtful that you could get a higher throughput from it than bitcoin.
Monero's blocks automatically scale, and transaction fees decrease as more transactions occur.