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This makes me think of the movie the 13th warrior[0] where a warrior from Baghdad fights along side Vikings

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_13th_Warrior

Which is a third-hand adaptation of real-life travels of Muslim scholars through the Rus lands in this time period.



That's because the first part of the story was based on this:


Which Michael Crichton blended into a retelling of Beowulf.

The TV show Vikings shows one Viking family around 1100? traveling to Arab lands and picking up an East Asian female along the way and being the first ones to attack England, heavily fictionalized.

I would think the show is supposed to be set around year 800, since it started with attack on Lindsfarne, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindisfarne, which is the first known Viking raid. Also Ragnar and the Ragnar sons was before the story started in Snorres Heimskringla https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimskringla. Third Harald Hårfagre (850-930), from before he became king, is part of the series. Of course the series is not strict to the history, but in most places it is close enough to recognize the events from history. The Arab land they did go to was Spain, I even think they called it Spain in the series.

It is well known that vikings did go down to the Meditarian Ocean, for instance it is known that the vikings did call Constantinople for Miklagard and that they did trade with Arabs both in Arab countries and in Scandinavian

IIRC the place they showed was somewhere in Moorish Spain

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