Right. The Gutenberg books have typically been proofread by human beings, while the straight IA books are usually raw scans that have been OCRed.
Edit: it should be pointed out that there's a lot of overlap here. As far as I know, all Gutenberg books get uploaded to IA. Conversely, IA scans are often used as the starting point for Gutenberg projects.
But, in general, the advantage of Gutenberg releases is better proofreading, while the advantage of IA is much wider coverage.
Edit: it should be pointed out that there's a lot of overlap here. As far as I know, all Gutenberg books get uploaded to IA. Conversely, IA scans are often used as the starting point for Gutenberg projects.
But, in general, the advantage of Gutenberg releases is better proofreading, while the advantage of IA is much wider coverage.