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User Interface Design Framework (GUI elements library for Illustrator) (webalys.com)
36 points by tortilla on July 24, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

  "This framework is released as a complete web designer
  kit for free. Even for commercial use. I just 
  require a link to this page if you use the elements"
Deal breaker right there. I'd rather just pay a few bucks then try to find a place for attribution link referencing a few images on my web app. Does this type of attribution link ever work for anyone?

> You don't need to make a link if you use it only in application wireframes or user interface mockups.

I think he's trying to get you to use it for mockups mostly.

That's just one step away from the same problem. You use them in a mock up... you succeed with a mock up... then you are stuck with building out that mock up of images that need an attribution, or you have to find substitutes.

Hi, I'm Vincent : the web designer who created this framework. I wasn't aware that the linkback could be such a problem and your feedback make me think to one solution :

• The idea of the backlink is to be granted for the work I've done : it make the framework more known and make my SEO better. It will help me to have better freelance missions.

• Due to your feedback and others (jeffrey Zeldman pointed the same problem for example), I'm now thinking to propose a special license that you can use the framework for multiple projects without making a backlink. If you don't want to make a backlink, you can pay for it, something betwwen 50 to 100$ I think that in this case, those will pay will have a more complete version with more stuff, more variations (using all the new features of CS5). This extra money could help me spending more time on this framework.

What do you think ?

This is cool - I've not used illustrator, but it doesn't have a button with "Ok" or "Cancel" - I assume you can quickly create those in Illustrator and I also notice it doesn't have buttons which are grey - again, I assume you could create your own colour swatch.

Very neat though - do people think it would be quicker to wireframe in this or in HTML?

If you aren't already proficient in Illustrator, you're problably better off with HTML. Personally I prefer HTML.

But I think these also work with Fireworks.

Mmmm... that's an interesting approach. I think it's perfectly fine for creating quick jpg mockups but I wouldn't use it for the real app for two reasons: 1. Attribution. 2. Differentiation is design.

About differentiation : my framework is inspired by the web development frameworks and agile development philosophy (Especially ruby on Rails). The "Convention over configuration" approach.

In most case, you will use the commons GUI elements provided and you will save some time. If you need to make it look different, you already have a foundation to quickly customize the appearance. The idea is to no repeat yourself designing the same elements (radio buttons, forms, tabs, windows, always 90% the same..) to concentrate to the really important design problems to solve.

Differentiation is not design. See Cocoa/Cocoa Touch.

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