Because the "center" of the G is not the optical center. Same reasons as everything else in the original article. Take a look at the image at the top of this page: The crossbar of the E (and R) are higher than vertical middle. And they differ from the x-height.
Despite your affinity for geometry, geometric fonts are the exception, not the rule. And even geometric fonts often have tweaks that make them less "perfect" geometrically but look more correct.
I found some hints - straight from the source, Google's design team - to the reasoning behind the "G" design, and why the alignment of colored arcs turned out that way.
Thank you for the pointers. I see, "perfect" geometry is not necessarily good typography, and that these "imperfections" have reasoning behind them, for legibility, better balance, to give more natural/correct feel.
I can understand the "near-perfect" circle, but wouldn't you agree that the (mis)alignment of the green and red arcs' edges feels wrong? Not about typography/legibility, but about the balance of lines. Interestingly, in the Futura font, which is quite similar to Google's Product Sans, the top line of the G extends a little further, so that its edge would have lined up "perfectly" as I would have preferred. For comparison:
Despite your affinity for geometry, geometric fonts are the exception, not the rule. And even geometric fonts often have tweaks that make them less "perfect" geometrically but look more correct.