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Dialing by voice? Surely the future is not dialing at all?

I can't remember the last time I used a phone number for anything. Contacting friends is mostly done via social media. Talking on the phone is done via voice or video via same social media. Contacting companies? Via e-mail or their own webpage with some kind of chat support.

I only have a phone number, so that people without smart phones (my grandmother) can contact me.

> I can't remember the last time I used a phone number for anything.


> Contacting friends is mostly done via social media. Talking on the phone is done via voice or video via same social media.

My friends aren't reliably on social media (and some of them aren't at all). SMS is quickest for small things, an actual phone call is quickest for a slightly longer discussion. E-mail for a group discussion or long-term planning.

> Contacting companies? Via e-mail or their own webpage with some kind of chat support.

I start with their online help or ordering system. For a tech company, e-mail might be the next option. For food, or something where I'm contacting someone local, it's almost always a phone call.

I'd have to think about the last time I actually dialed a number by hand, though.

> I only have a phone number, so that people without smart phones (my grandmother) can contact me.

And 2FA!

It's also strongly recommended to not use SMS for 2FA considering how easy it is to spoof/intercept.

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