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There's one helluva lot more users than miners. The users determine the consensus. And the consensus looks like this:


350 answers does not look like a helluva lot users.

This is the same guy who said the sun revolves around the earth and that 300KB blocks already push the limits of the bitcoin even though there have been full 1MB blocks for well over a year and bitcoin cash has already demonstrated mining 8MB with no problem (of course).

Read through his reddit history and see if you still think he is something worth treating as an authority. It's full of extremist religious ramblings and nonsense about bitcoin with no technical backing.

> the consensus

The consensus for bitcoin is made within the network itself. Not on a mentally unstable person's poll.

Luke-jr, aka the Blockstream coder/troll who has used his pool to maliciously kill other cryptocoins[1], made that poll based on Coinbase KYC info. That polling platform only has use within a tiny segment of Bitcoin users that trust Luke after his abhorrent actions and those that are also on Coinbase with verified accounts.

That is not consensus at all. Bitcoin as it turns out has mechanics for building and signalling consensus but Blockstream & co have been pounding sand trying to subvert it for years now.

Here is an enlightening thread on the type of awful actions Blockstream/Core has been up to regarding 2x and signals to support it among the Bitcoin community. Matt, Drak and the other Blockstream/Core thugs spend their time screaming at people on reddit/twitter while inventing lies[2] that necessitate being called out by their victims[3].

[1] http://archive.is/unx2H

[2] https://twitter.com/btcdrak/status/901154579324301312

[3] https://twitter.com/barrysilbert/status/901162023819649024

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