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Would any such note-taking solution work across several ssh sessions?

I'm a small scale sysadmin, SSHing into multiple servers configured by my predecessors. I'd love to be able to some command | notes.txt or whatever. And no, I don't have my home directory mounted at all locations the same way. I even need to login as different user for different machines. The command factor is my Mac and Terminal.app

I'm going to assume that you can edit .bashrc for these as that's the premise from the original article.

You could adjust it so that it uses a central notes store on one ssh host pretty easily with something like:

  notes() {
      echo $1 | ssh user@remotehost "cat >> ~/notes.md"
then you probably need something like

  read_notes() {
      ssh user@remotehost "cat ~/notes.md" | more

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