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Getting started with OpenBSD device driver development [pdf] (openbsd.org)
119 points by adamnemecek on Sept 26, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This is from an excellent talk Stefan Sperling (stsp@) gave at EuroBSDcon this week!

Livestream segment: https://youtu.be/8wuW8lfsVGc?t=21489

I enjoyed the first talk the most.

Tells story of two day conference on Verilog for programming FPGA where some intro Altera board was used.

Required a 4GB download of some proprietary closed source toolchain that unompresses to 13GB, containing multiple versions of Perl, Tcl and modules.

Said they spent entire first day of conference just trying to get this installed. Then realized they accidentally installed non-free version and had to repeat the whole process.

Solution: Use smaller, more robust, easily installed open source NetBSD toolchain instead of proprietary one.

More OpenBSD slides/papers and the full video from the event are online:


GConfs channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GConfs/videos

EuroBSDcon: https://2017.eurobsdcon.org/

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