My advice is not to worry about pay in the short term. Once you have some experience pay will be much higher. Think of working somewhere as education essentially, if they pay you minimum wage too, that's a bonus.
I'd find a company with team of devs you can learn from and work there for a few months. You'll be much more employable by the end of it.
As for finding a job, I'd suggest going to tech meetups, startups in particular will be keen on any cheap labour. Alternatively ask your family or parents friends if there is either a position at their work for you, or if they run their own business, if you can do their website.
I'd find a company with team of devs you can learn from and work there for a few months. You'll be much more employable by the end of it.
As for finding a job, I'd suggest going to tech meetups, startups in particular will be keen on any cheap labour. Alternatively ask your family or parents friends if there is either a position at their work for you, or if they run their own business, if you can do their website.