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PriorSmart, easy patent search for entrepreneurs (priorsmart.com)
21 points by nmeyer on April 2, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Whole site is entirely html+javascript. No server-side scripting and it's hosted on S3 (ONLY S3, no EC2).

Describe your invention as thoroughly as possible, to maximize the benefit of the search. Press the Search button. Results: Prior Art found - invent something else.

The they have a nice collection of other people's inventions.

not only s3, but googlepages for the images...and nearlyfreespeech for the hosting. all content is compressed and weighs in at <200k, w/ 10-yr maxage headers for the y-slow fr3aks.

also, mad css-sprites...

Is a few pixels of margin on the body too much too ask?

Excellent! Grotkjaer

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