Just in case you were wondering of relevance to Hacker News before reading the article:
"Even though some may look like they have a frown on their face, they are very friendly people - many of them just work in offices, jobs they don't enjoy, and so they do not smile as much as they should."
Looks similar to a show called "Meet The Natives" which broadcast last year. A group of tribesmen were brought to the UK to meet the three tribes of the UK - Working class, middle class and upper class.
It's pretty interesting viewing, if a bit gimmickey.
My favourite insights were (1) why spend much time on house cleaning if it's boring and (2) Why do Londoners always seem in a rush if they look so unhappy about where they're going.
Back in the 90s there was a reality show where an urban Japanese family traded places with a family of some primitive African tribe. The bits of it I saw were fairly hilarious. There was a lot of mirror image confusion about things like preparing food, how to use a bathroom, etc.
"Even though some may look like they have a frown on their face, they are very friendly people - many of them just work in offices, jobs they don't enjoy, and so they do not smile as much as they should."