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"I note that you latched on to the one comment here that would support your own opinion of your own relative intelligence -- the one that posited that memorization served as a proxy for the understanding of the text for students that couldn't understand it; thus, you required no proxy and clearly are more intelligent than the those who did require one."

Just because I don't need to memorize something to understand it does not mean I am more intelligent. I don't understand why you've turned this into some attempt of mine to self-aggrandize. If you find that memorizing something forces you to understand it, great - I'm happy that works for you but understand that the understanding of the text is the end-goal. My point is that whether or not you've memorized something has nothing to do with whether or not you understand it. I think a real problem is that you don't understand that one can understand something without having memorized it first.

At the exclusive (no low-IQ or low-performing students need apply) private school I attended, memorization and recitation in front of the class was provided as an extra credit assignment for those students who were especially interested in the text, not as some sort of booby prize for the non-existent less intelligent among us.

I'm seriously glad I didn't go to your school. But I see now why you believe so adamantly in the virtues of memorization since it has so clearly defined your idea of academic success. The fact that your school handed out extra credit for reciting back text is ridiculous. That basically defeats any meaning a GPA would have.

[Edit: And wow can you stop editing your comments so wildy? If you have something new to say, hit the reply link]

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